How to Heal After a Break-Up


Breaks-ups are hard and they are painful.  So often people just want us to move on, forget about the other person, and drown our sorrows in a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream.  But if you’ve ever been through a bad break-up, you know those things are impossible, and that ice cream only puts a temporary Band-Aid on your hurt. Today I’m going to talk about moving on after a difficult break-up.  I know these words may not “fix” how you feel, but I hope that they give you some validation and hope that things will be better eventually.  I also want to provide you with some simple tips to help cope with your big feelings and pain right...

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Why January is Called “Divorce Month”


January is a hard month for multiple reasons—it’s cold, dreary, there is not a lot to look forward to, and the holidays are over.  January is also known unofficially as “divorce month”—the month where more divorces are filed than any other month of the year. The first Monday after New Year’s Day sees a significant hike in divorce filings.  For some couples, they stay together for the holidays to create one last “normal” Christmas.  Oftentimes this is done for the sake of the children and/or extended family.  Sometimes it is because the couple wanted to give it one last push at the end of the year to see if things could be fixed.  Also, since the New Year is associated...

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